How to make music without music theory

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

Is it possible to make music without theory?

Hi everyone! Welcome to Music without theory.

First of all, I want to clarify that I believe music theory is quite important. But this is not a blog about  music theory.

The main purpose of this blog is sharing with you everything about making music that you rarely learn in the academy. You should know that the fact unknowing either almost nothing or nothing about music theory should not to be a limitation for you to get started.

Have you ever heard about a country called El Salvador? Well, you surely know there are many countries classified by "third world" because of its poverty and poor development. El Salvador is one of them. I'm a salvadorean musician. At El Salvador, we can't study music as a college career. There are a couple of informal music academies, but it's like a crazy deal to think about being a musician for a living in this country. Therefore, we make music from the heart, trying to use it for expressing our emotional or spiritual needs.

I would like you to get this: above all music theory, music is a human language as speech is. In my country as in some another, there are humble peasants who can not write, but they can make up metaphors, beautiful song lyrics and poetry, which might not exist under the rigors of grammar rules. In music is exactly the same.

In closing, I suggest you to start making music even dough you don't know what a music score is and which are the musical notes. In future posts I will share with you some ways to do it. All those beautiful melodies that you've always wanted to write are here and now, diluted in your experiences, mind and soul.

Start to make music from your heart!

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